Annual Meeting

Hello, atac members and friends,

It's Annual Meeting time! Please join us next week, December 7th at 7:00 PM in person or via Zoom to hear the annual report, vote in the slate of board members, and socialize with your fellow atac fans over light refreshments. We’ll be at the venue, 160 Hollis Street in Framingham.

Jannelle will present the report and give you some sneak peeks into what's in the works for our creative community.

If you're a current member, your presence is important to help us reach a quorum and vote for those new board members!

Looking forward to seeing you in person or on the screen!

Zoom Info

Register in advance for this meeting using the following link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Notice (PDF)

Please click here to view the official meeting notice.


Annual Meeting (Zoom)


A Place to Be